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Normal People in Today’s Russia

Anna Ochknia Russian Dissent
Modern Russian propaganda, much like the modern Russian state, continues to parasitize off of the Soviet Union. Today, it is difficult for political convictions to be born: there is no habit of conscious resistance to the authorities.

The Origins of Human Society Are More Complex Than We Thought

Vivek V. Venkataraman The Conversation
What kind of society did people live in for most of our history? There is strong evidence that humans lived in nomadic egalitarian bands. This does not mean that humans are naturally egalitarian. Like us, our ancestors faced complex politics.

Friday Nite Videos | November 4, 2022

Obama Campaigns Against Kari Lake and Warns About Threats to Democracy. Till | Movie. Why Self-Driving Cars Have Stalled. Long Covid: A Parallel Pandemic. Why This Instrument Explains Black American Folk Music.

Tidbits – Nov. 03, 2022 – Reader Comments, Elections – High Inflation, Huge Profits, Why Not Price Freeze; Politicians Giving Medical Advice; Lula Wins!; Mayor, UFT Push Medicare Advantage; Public Health; Mike Davis Tribute; Angela Y. Davis

Reader Comments, Elections - High Inflation, Huge Profits, Why Not Price Freeze; Politicians Giving Medical Advice; Lula Wins!; Mayor, UFT Push Medicare Advantage; Copyright legislation; Public health; Mike Davis Tribute; Evening with Angela Y. Davis

What the NY Working Families Party Sees at Stake in This Election

Brigid Bergin Gothamist
The WFP needs at least 130,000 votes – or 2% of the total, whichever is higher – to keep that ballot line in future elections. That’s a product of changes ushered in by former Gov. Andrew Cuomo in 2019 in a failed attempt to destroy the party.

Can the Hotel Workers’ Union Save the Democrats?

Harold Meyerson The American Prospect
In Nevada, Arizona, and Pennsylvania, the union has been talking to voters about progressive fixes to inflation for months, when Democrats didn’t know what to say.