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Tidbits – Oct. 13, 2022 – Reader Comments: Los Angeles City Hall Racism; Segregation; Amazon Workers; Ukraine War Dissent; COVID-19 Protocols and Feminist Ethics of Care; Abortion Access-A Workers’ Issue; Cartoons; Announcements; More;

Reader Comments: Los Angeles City Hall Racism; Segregation; Amazon workers; Alabama PaperMill Workers; Ukraine War dissent; Covid-19 Protocols and Feminist Ethics of Care; Abortion Access-A Workers' Issue; Cartoons; Announcements; more;

Critical Race Feminism and Common Good Unionism

Stacy Davis Gates, Sheri Davis, Marilyn Sneiderman and Alisha Volante NonProfit Quarterly
When Bargaining for the Common Good is done well it models an alternative way to theorize the root causes of oppression, to take action with impacted communities to remedy the problem, and to reflect on what liberation looks....

How the West’s Sanctions on Russia Boomeranged

Patrick Cockburn Counterpunch
Russia’s economy ministry, as reported by Reuters citing government documents, says that expected Russian energy export revenues will reach $338bn in 2022 which is nearly $100bn or a third more than the $244bn figure for last year. This is in large part because Russia was able to reroute two-thirds of its lost sales to the West to countries such as India and China through which it entered the world oil market.