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Time To Blow Up Electricity Markets

Yanis Varoufakis Project Syndicate
The European Union’s power sector is an example of what market fundamentalism has done to electricity networks. With the end of cheap natural gas, retail consumers and businesses are paying the price for their governments’ embrace of a shoddy theory.

Barbara Ehrenreich and the Real Work of Labor Day

Richard Eskow Common Dreams
Every walkout, every outstretched hand, every word written or spoken in defense of workers' rights, is a victory—whether it results in immediate and obvious success or not.

The Southern Baptist Convention’s Deal With the Devil

Sarah Posner The Nation
The roots of the Supreme Court’s reversal of Roe go back 50 years, when zealots preaching a gospel of misogyny and homophobia—led by an accused sexual predator—took over America’s largest Protestant denomination.

Results and Analysis From Alaska’s First RCV Election

Deb Otis FairVote
According to a new poll from Patinkin Research Strategies, 85% of Alaskans said ranking is simple and 95% said they received instructions on how to complete their ranked choice ballot – indicative of the Alaska Division of Elections great voter education efforts.

Jackson Water Crisis: A Legacy of Environmental Racism?

Chi Chi Izundu, Mohamed Madi & Chelsea Bailey BBC
Experts and advocates say what is happening in Jackson - and in towns like Flint in Michigan, where the water supply was contaminated with lead - is a direct legacy of generations of discrimination and segregation.