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Democratic Voters Rejected the Status Quo

David Sirota, Matthew Cunningham-Cook, Andrew Perez Jacobin
Pennsylvania and Oregon election results from last night offer cause for hope for progressives: voters rejected the demands of oligarchs and Democratic elites.

Maps That Can Fight a Housing Crisis

Scott Beyer Governing
Urban residents know about the housing-related problems that hurt their city, from overcrowding to redlining. What if they had a visual display of where things are worst?

Abortion and Privacy

Myra Marx Ferree The Gender Policy Report
The loss of the Roe right to abortion will begin to unravel a whole skein of privacy rights. A radical solution would be to pass the Equal Rights Amendment to ensure access to the full spectrum of childrearing and reproductive rights.

Samuel Alito: One Angry Man

Aziz Huq Politico
If Alito gets his way — and there is no reason to think he won’t — the Supreme Court will increasingly be a religious censor: keeping women in their lane, imposing "Christian rights," and preventing uppity scientists from getting their wicked way.

Friday Nite Videos | May 20, 2022

India Walton on Buffalo Mass Shooting. Jordan Klepper Meets the MyPillow Guy. Crypto Crash Explained: How Crypto Repeated Wall Street’s Mistakes. How Chile's Socialists Won. Bush's Gaffe; Republicans Vote Against Baby Formula.

How the Attack on Teachers Threatens the Future of Public Schools

Sarah Jaffe; Illustrator: Adrià Fruitós Rethinking Schools
There are now 567,000 fewer educators in public schools than at the beginning of the pandemic. “What we must have is a high-quality, experienced, certified, and stable public education workforce.”