Millions have called for Peltier’s release since his incarceration, including Nelson Mandela and Bishop Desmond Tutu before their deaths. It’s time to act, especially now that he's in mortal danger from a Covid infection in prison.
Despite the fact that the majority of Americans support abortion, 21 states are certain to attempt to ban or limit severely abortion rights, and five more are likely to do so, if Roe v. Wade is overturned by the Supreme Court.
The Silao election is the first to be held under these new rules. Four unions are on the ballot, but the real contest is between SINTTIA and a CTM affiliate known as “the Coalition,” with the other two unions there to divide the vote.
Muhammad Ali said that “wars of nations are fought to change maps, but wars of poverty are fought to map change.” I dedicate this essay to him and thank him for inspiring me to map the change he spoke of years ago.
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