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Appalachia’s Fracking Boom Has Done Little For Local Economies: Study

Kristina Marusic Environmental Health News
Appalachia's fracking boom has failed to deliver on promises of jobs and benefits to local economies, according to a new study. The analysis concluded that about 90 percent of the wealth created from shale gas extraction leaves local communities.

A Private Government in Honduras Moves Forward

Beth Geglia and Andrea Nuila NACLA
Hondurans are facing a sudden onslaught of these new jurisdictions, Economic Development and Employment Zones (ZEDEs), which international promoters refer to as “charter cities,” “startup cities,” or “free private cities.”

Build New Infrastructure for a Broader Movement

Jeff Ordower Organizing Upgrade
There is need to invest in different structures, organizing alongside or outside of the traditional unions, base-building and nonprofit organizations for multi-year struggles, especially worker organizing and scaled disruptive direct action.

Don't Defend Democracy With Half-Truths About the Past

Brook Thomas History News Network
Myths about the founders and President Grant cannot restore legitimacy to a democracy in the wake of a second presidential impeachment and acquittal and facing competing demands to unify the country, rebuild the economy and address racial injustice.

The Redistricting Landscape, 2021–22

Michael Li Brennan Center for Justice
Political, legal, and demographic changes, along with census delays, will shape the fight for fair maps and representation.

Why We Can’t Make Vaccine Doses Any Faster

Isaac Arnsdorf and Ryan Gabrielson ProPublica
President Biden has promised enough doses for all American adults by this summer. There’s not much even the Defense Production Act can do to deliver doses before then.