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Voting Laws Roundup 2021

Brennan Center for Justice
After historic turnout and increased mail voting in 2020, state lawmakers across the country are pulling in opposite directions by introducing restrictive and expansive voting legislation.

Party and Country: the Unexplored Reserves of the Gramsci Genome

Luciana Castellina Il Manifesto Global
On the 100th anniversary of the Italian Communist Party we should learn from Gramsci's legacy which lies in the attempt Italian Communists made to build forms of direct democracy alongside representative democracy,

Celebrating 50 Years of El Comité-MINP

Néstor David Pastor NACLA Co-published with Intervenxiones of the Latinx Project.
50 years ago, the struggle against urban renewal led a group of working class Puerto Ricans on Manhattan’s West Side to form a revolutionary socialist movement, combining community activism, Third World solidarity, and Puerto Rican independence.

Hank Aaron Still Stands Alone

Derrick Z. Jackson The American Prospect
His career and example stand in drastic contrast to the lesser men who were not inducted into baseball’s Hall of Fame just after Aaron’s death.