“Students are commanded to vote, but not to judge the fundamental questions of governance not on the ballot — like the legitimacy of the Electoral College”
For several reasons, the left is an indispensable component of the Democratic coalition. For one thing, contrary to centrists’ claims, progressive policies like free health insurance, green energy, and a $15 minimum wage are broadly popular.
Austerity in response to these circumstances can only make conditions worse. Cuts in government spending at the same time as unemployment and threats of eviction hang over many heads is a recipe for deep recession.
I am deeply disappointed to know that many, too many white women, approximately 57% of our total, need their whiteness so much that they dismiss everything non-white as less. The white women who voted for Trump in 2020 made a clear choice.
While I find comfort in Malcolm X’s observation to better have a processed head than a processed mind, this election reminds us of the often stated point that African Americans are not a monolith any more than other ethnic or racial groups...
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