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We Should Still Defund the Police

Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor New Yorker
Defunding the police is the first step in a longer process that may culminate in the end of policing in the United States. The repeated failure of meaningful reform have made concepts like “defunding” and “abolition” part of mainstream conversation.

An Extraordinary Summer of Crises for California’s Farmworkers

Alejandra Borunda National Geographic
Farm workers harvest peppers near Gilroy, California.
The “essential workers” picking our food are facing fires, heat waves, and the pandemic, all at once. California’s farmworkers, many undocumented, and many without a choice, have been working through a summer of increasingly brutal conditions.

Trump’s Secretary of State Tries to Extort Cash from Struggling Sudan

Mitchell Plitnick Responsible Statecraft
US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Sudanese Prime Minister Abdullah Hamduok.
Mike Pompeo’s trip to the Middle East and North Africa was a scandalous failure. His Sudan visit demonstrates just how degraded the United States’ foreign policy has become under Donald Trump, and with Pompeo at the helm of the State Department.

New York Takes a Seismic Step to the Left

Mattew Cunningham-Cook The American Prospect
After the general election in November, New York will have one of its most left-wing legislatures in decades.

Friday Nite Videos | September 4, 2020

RNC 2020 and Kenosha. 'Black Panther' Star Chadwick Boseman Sings 'Grandma's Hands'. Soledad O'Brien Helps Translate Tucker Carlson's Kenosha Rant. The Problem With Banning TikTok. David Graeber ('We Are the 99%) in His Own Words.