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Coercive Wellness Programs Create New Headaches

Jane Slaughter Labor Notes
Employer-created wellness programs are about what workers should do on their own time, not what the employer could do to stop making them sick at work...Wellness programs are growing fast. In firms with more than 200 workers, 94 percent had such programs in 2012

Ways to Juice Up the Labor Movement; Labor Once Again Becomes Part of the National Conversation

Sarah Jaffe; Amy Dean AlterNet and The Century Foundation
The passage of a so-called "right-to-work" law in Michigan recently left the labor movement feeling gut-punched. AlterNet talks with Stephen Lerner, Jonathan Westin, Ruth Milkman, Bill Fletcher Jr., Jane McAlevey, Eric Robertson & Ben Speight for their suggestions on how labor can go on the offensive in the next year. Amy Dean, former president of the South Bay (CA) AFL-CIO Labor Council looks at best & worst developments of 2012 in the labor and social movements.

The Hero Teachers of Newtown; Teachers Are First Responders

Diane Ravitch and Deborah Dunton Diane Ravitch's Blog and Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
This much is clear: the teachers and staff at the Sandy Hook Elementary School reacted with astonishing courage to the unthinkable, the terrifying intrusion of a man intent on murdering them and their students. With no thought of their own safety, they defended their children. Everyone of them is a hero, those who died and those who survived....we were reminded that the first first responders at schools displayed courage. They did their jobs.

Letter to Portside Labor Readers

Portside moderators Portside
The tidal wave of bull dukey that accompanied this year's elections was more than matched by progressive analysis and advocacy . . . if you knew where to find it. The fact is that mass struggles impacted every aspect of life in the U.S. in 2012. We hope you found Portside a timely and reliable source of news, left analysis and advocacy not only for domestic issues by for historic events internationally.