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What is Happening in the Steel Industry?

Walton Pantland Union Solidarity International
Rich countries make money by owning things – physical and intellectual property – and setting global standards the rest of the world must adhere to. This also means an economic shift within these countries, away from well-paid, secure, skilled jobs in industry to a precarious, service-based economy.

Cuomo to Create $15 Minimum Wage for New York State Workers

Jesse McKinley The New York Times
New York Gov. Andrew announced his support for a $15 minimum wage for state employees on the same day that fast-food workers across the country demonstrated for better pay and union representation. All told, 10,000 New York pubic employees will receive a pay bump. In July, Cuomo increased the minimum wage for fast-food workers in New York through a state wage board.

Bernie Sanders' Momentum Stalls In An Unlikely Place: Union Halls

Evan Halper Los Angeles Times
Despite Sanders’ deep support for labor, the national nurses’ organization that Almada sought to join is the only major union to endorse Sanders in the race for the Democratic nomination for president. It is dwarfed by much larger labor groups that are lining up with his arguably less committed, less reliable rival, Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Tefere Gebre: How labor can win the South

Chris Kromm Facing South
Sometimes I hear dangerous conversations from progressives. They tell me the days of collective bargaining are over, and we've got to find another formula. Yes, we should find other formulas, but I don't want to lose the bread and butter of workers leading their own organizations. That's why you see a lot of union workers on the street. They come through their organizations. They know it's their organization, their union.

How Unions Fight Inequality and Strengthen Democracy

Richard Eskow Campaign for America's Future
An International Monetary Fund study found that the very wealthy capture a larger share of an economy’s overall income when fewer people belong to unions. The study found this to be true even after controlling for other forces that can affect inequality, including technology, globalization, and financial deregulation.