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Untold Story: How Scalia's Death Blew Up an Anti-union Group's Grand Legal Strategy

Michael Hiltzik Los Angeles Times
The implications of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia's death for the anti-union case known as Friedrichs are a bit uncertain. Some experts say the appellate ruling in favor of the union would be effectively affirmed by an evenly divided court. Others believe the court will ask for re-argument of the same case next term, presumably after it gets back up to full nine-member strength by the appointment and confirmation of successor to Scalia.

Seven Steps to Opening Up Bargaining

Merrie Najimy Labor Notes
Rather than a problem, we wanted to start with a vision. We asked members three questions: What brings you joy in the work you do with students? What sucks the life and joy out of working with students? What can we propose through bargaining that could increase the joy and reduce the stress in your work?

We Need A Strong Trade Union In Every Workplace

Jeremy Corbyn The People's Daily Morning Star
Unions are the most effective force for social equality, writes British Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn. He recalled that Keir Hardie -- who 120 years ago became the first unionist to enter Parliament -- didn’t just fight for workers, he fought for universal suffrage, a universal pension, free education for children, decent homes for all, against powerful monopolies and for peace.

An Uber Labor Movement Born in a LaGuardia Parking Lot

Adrian Chen The New Yorker
On January 29th, Uber had reduced fares in more than eighty cities in the U.S. and Canada. Drivers in some of those cities, including San Francisco, San Diego, Tampa, and New York City, have reacted with strikes and protests.

Starbucks the Benevolent?

What would compel a massive company to start helping its employees pay rent and attend college?

The Bernie Sanders Path to Victory in the South: African American Union Leaders

Mike Elk The Street
Polling shows that as more voters get to know Sanders that his support increases. A July 2015, Washington Post ABC-News poll showed that only 28% of voters of color approved of Bernie Sanders, but a poll taken last month showed that 51% of voters of color now approve of Bernie Sanders.