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Judge Orders Kellogg to End Lockout, Reinstate Workers

Mike Hall AFL=CIO
Transnational cereal maker Kellogg's has locked out 220 members of the IUF-affiliated BCTGM since October 22 at its factory in Memphis, Tennessee in an effort to force union acceptance of a plan to radically increase the use of casual workers. Yesterday a Judge ordered Kelloggs to return the workers to work.

Atlantic City Workers Stunned As Casino Economy Begins to Crash

Bruce Vail Working In These Times
Atlantic City needs to diversify its economy away from casinos if it wants to continue attracting large numbers of visitors, union leaders argue in response to announcements of closures. New solutions are needed for workers and the wider community to prevent Atlantic City from again going into decline.

Ruling Says McDonald’s Is Liable for Workers

Steven Greenhouse New York Times
A major ruling by the NLRB states that McDonald's is jointly responsible for the working conditions in its franchises. This ruling will have major impacts for the company and other corporations that have increasingly relied on the franchise model.

Building Not Rebulding Public Education

Lois Weiner Jacobin
Adapted from a longer piece in the current issue of New Politics (see link below). Fighting corporate education reform is less about restoring the old system to its former glory than building a just one for the first time.

Hoffa Threatens Teamster Democracy

Ken Paff Labor Notes
Facing a wave of anger over concessions—and with the 2016 election fast approaching—Teamster brass are taking aim at members' right to vote.

When the Union’s the Enemy: An Interview with Cleo Silvers

Andrew Elrod Jacobin
In the auto plants of 1970s Detroit, where an all-white management and union leadership confronted a darkening workforce, grievances often assumed a racial edge. Of all the rank-and-file caucuses that formed in this tumultuous period, perhaps none was more militant than the League of Revolutionary Black Workers.

The heartbreak of being a teacher in Texas

Katie Plemmons Texas Tribune
On Aug. 15, teachers in the Del Valle Independent School District return to the classroom, but most of us will go back earlier. We love our students, and we cannot wait to prepare for their arrival. As we return to our classrooms, we always notice those who do not: experienced teachers who have left, whose loss is a loss for our students.