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A Rhyme of Two Fathers

Jed Myers
Seattle poet Jed Myers puts himself in the shoes of a Mexican father as two men plan to cross international borders.

BDS Versus Settler-Colonialism

Alan Wald Against the Current
Two books posit the BDS movement fighting Israeli aggression against Palestinians as the worthy extension of more than a century of opposition to white supremacy, colonialism, and the kindred pariah status Jews suffered under European fascism.

Leave No Trace Is a Shattering, Essential Drama

David Sims The Atlantic
Leave No Trace is a film about living off the grid in America, but not as a political act or as a desperate struggle to survive. It’s a story of a family seeking harmony with the land, and with their country.

An MSG Convert Visits the High Church of Umami

Helen Rosner The New Yorker
Ajinomoto produces umami at its panda-themed headquarters
Monosodium glutamate is a compound molecule in which glutamate is the amino acid responsible for the mysterious deepening of flavor. Its once-vilified reputation has been ascribed to illogic, superstition and even racism.


Chad Davidson Green Mountains Review
“Our hearts go out/ but only as the yo-yo might,” writes Georgia poet Chad Davidson of the shock world we mostly live in.

Why the Middle Class Can’t Afford Life in America Anymore

Larry Getlen New York Post
In this book, Alissa Quart details not only the lowering of the standard of middle class life in the United States, but shows how that decline is also eroding the professions and professional occupations as well.