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‘Hidden Figures’ and Its Lessons for the Resistance

Brandon Tensley Pacific Standard
Theodore Melfi’s film about black women mathematicians is now the biggest movie in America — just in time to teach us crucial lessons for a Trump presidency. So what’s to be done? Hidden Figures offers a crystal-clear answer: Resist.

Reinventing the way meat is made

Joe Castaldo Canadian Business
Making meat and other animal food products that look and taste the same, but don’t necessitate the use of living creatures is the mission of New Harvest, a New York–based non-profit.

I See America Marching Again

Dan La Botz New Politics
With the poet's thanks and apologies to Walt Whitman, Dan La Botz captures the spirit of resistance in today's America and reaffirms the importance of speaking up and marching, marching, marching. Note the poem below is also translated into Spanish and French.

Putin: You're the Puppet!

Tony Wood BookForum
If you go by Western press accounts, Russian leader Vladimir Putin is a strutting peacock of the Trump school of self-reflection, or maybe a classic strongman, with the caveat that he's no twit. The book under review presents Putin as more acted upon than actor, more puppet to internal and external forces than puppet master, a formidable tactician but with no grand strategy, no end-game. In other words, a politician.

Literary Agents

Patrick Iber The New Republic
In the age of "fake news" and other mysterious media distortions, this book reminds us of a "simpler" time. Joel Whitney offers a new history of how, beginning in the late 1940s, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) simply (if much of the time secretly), paid writers, musicians, and artists, and sponsored publications, concerts, exhibitions, and cultural institutions as part of its Cold War arsenal.

Divided We Fall: Memories of the Wisconsin Uprising in 2011

Paul Buhle Portside
The story behind the Wisconsin Uprising in 2011—the struggle of class forces--has been told in some detail in several books, but a new film, Divided We Fall, supplies the crucial elements of drama that few of us in the marching crowds understood at the time. It is also a wonderful re-enactment of the whole scene, bringing to life the drama and months’ long glory of a fightback that mirrored and mirrors so many anti-austerity struggles across the world.


Lisa Allen Ortiz Guide to the Exhibit
Extinction: Lisa Allen Ortiz, child of Mendocino county, California knows a thing or two about birds and about how precarious are the lives of many species, speaks of our impending "civic sorrow."