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Union Power: The United Electrical Workers in Erie, Pennsylvania

Frank Emspak and Paul Buhle Portside
One consequence of the rough times unions are facing today is a loss of institutional memory and history. This new book seeks to preserve that memory, and the how-to-be-a-militant-union knowledge that goes with it, by focusing on how one United Electrical Workers local union was built, and how it fared during the McCarthy years and afterwards.

4th Native Women in Film Festival Highlights Anti-Pipeline Cause

Ed Rampell Hollywood Progressive
Resistance to the Dakota Access Pipeline and other extractive projects was a recurring theme in the NWIF festival, which highlights motion pictures by and about indigenous females. 'Standing Rock: A New Nation' encapsulates what the movement there is all about and kicked off the NWIF’s screenings. New Nation explores the heightened consciousness created by the radicalized village that sprang up to resist DAPL and the extraction industries that threaten Mother Earth.

Trump’s Firing of New York U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara Evokes ‘Billions’

Cynthia Littleton Variety
Bharara was in part the inspiration for the Rhoades character who holds the same job in the Showtime drama “Billions.” Paul Giamatti plays the oh-so-intense federal prosecutor in the much-praised series, which is now in its second season and was renewed earlier this week for season three.

My Mother Cleans and Starts the Gumbo

Karen Maceira Lindenwood Review
"What does it mean to have/a child in prison?" asks New Orleans poet Karen Maceira, observing how her mother answers and can't answer that question.

He's My Death, Too

Shehryar Fazli Los Angeles Review of Books
The lynching of Emmett Till some six decades ago still stands as a singular moment in the movement for black liberation, racial equality, and against racism. This new book revisits that history.

Marx on the Silver Screen

Bruno Leopold Jacobin
Raol Peck's attention to historical detail characterizes the film as a whole, and testifies to the clearly loving amount of research that went into making it. The result is an entertaining and surprisingly funny portrait of the young Karl Marx as the film follows Marx and Friedrich Engels and their joint struggle against various other contemporary socialist leaders, culminating in their collaboration on the Communist Manifesto.

Can quinoa solve the world's looming food shortage?

Henry Bodkin The Telegraph
Scientists who cracked quinoa's gene code say it could solve the world's looming food shortage. Quinoa has never been fully domesticated or bred to its full potential even though it provides a more balanced source of nutrients for humans than cereals. Researchers say that quinoa could provide a healthy, nutritious food source for the world using land and water that currently cannot be used, and the new genome makes it one step closer to that goal.

SNL Imagines Jeff Sessions as Forrest Gump at the Bus Stop

Bethonie Butler Washington Post
“Saturday Night Live” took a departure with its cold open this week, taking us out of the Trump White House — and into the universe of the 1994 movie “Forrest Gump.” Instead of Tom Hanks, it was Attorney General Jeff Sessions (Kate McKinnon) at the bus stop, eating chocolates and confiding in strangers about a rather momentous week.

For Worse, For Poorer, In Sickness

Stephanie Brown Green Mountains Review
Southern California poet Stephanie Brown knows a thing or two about a relationship that sours, suffers, and never recovers as it goes on.