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Interrupting the Flights of Angels

Beau Beausoleil
As the San Francisco poet Beau Beausoleil explains, “The tidal wave of commercialized mourning for the Queen prompted this poem to write itself.”

To Win the Midterms and Beyond

Martin J. Bennett Democratic Left
If you want a timely and persuasive antidote to the conventional narrative predicting the inevitable loss of Democratic congressional majorities in November, read this book.

Trump’s Last Lackey

Lloyd Green The Guardian
This tell-all tale gives essential background to understanding one of the most notorious figures in modern U.S. politics.

What Is Neurogastronomy?

Sebastian Dieguez Alimentarium
If there’s one thing neurogastronomy can teach us, it’s that when it comes to food, sometimes it’s better to rack our brains.

A Brief History of the War

Kathryn Bratt-Pfotenhauer Beloit Poetry Journal
“Ours in an old war,” says the poet Kathryn Bratt-Pfotenhauer. “It has a beard and calls itself Uncle.”