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Occupy USA | Democracy Is Coming

Occupy created this video accompaniment to Leonard Cohen's inspiring song. In 2018 the spirit is back, and this time the reinforcements number millions.

The Public | Movie

Set in the Midwest during a brutal cold front, a group of homeless library patrons who refuse to leave Cincinnati’s downtown public library at closing time. Emilio Estevez's 'The Public' will open the Santa Barbara International Film Festival on Jan 31.

Socialism Comes to Iowa

Nicolás Medina Mora and Rebecca Zweig The Nation
a political picnic in Iowa
Cathy Glasson is the farthest left candidate in recent memory to mount a serious campaign for Iowa governor. She is betting on a coalition of service workers, many of them immigrants and people of color; members of manufacturing unions, many of them white and some of whom supported Trump; and young members of DSA.

Let the Kids Lead

Mike Males Yes! Magazine
demonstration made up of young people
Younger people consistently see human rights—racial, immigrant, gender, LGBT—as important and uncontroversial.

New Theory Cracks Open the Black Box of Deep Learning

Natalie Wolchover Quanta Magazine
cartoon dog with its neck caught in a bottle
A new idea called the “information bottleneck” is helping to explain the puzzling success of today’s artificial-intelligence algorithms — and might also explain how human brains learn.


Joyce Parkes Creatrix
The Australian poet Joyce Parkes brings us the word “swags,” meaning the bedding rolls used by homeless persons, asking why in a wealthy country so many remain homeless.

DACA Recipients’ Message to Democrats: Stop Playing with Our Lives, and Pass a Clean DREAM Act Now

Amy Goodman, Erika Andiola; Will Drabold
Progressive leaders said they will punish House and Senate Democrats politically, including by withdrawing endorsements in 2018, if they do not demand passage of the Dream Act by the end of the year. Pressure is on Sen. Schumer and Rep. Nancy Peloisi who have signaled they may back GOP effort to fund government without DACA or CHIP action. Progressive activists say that approach is unacceptable.