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The World of Edward Said

Esmat Elhalaby The Boston Review
Attempts to cast Said as the consummate New York intellectual miss the point that his milieu was one of global, and specifically Palestinian, anticolonial struggle.

Friday Nite Videos | August 13, 2021

The Sacklers and Opiods: You Judge. Jimmy Cliff | Human Touch. Not Going Quietly: The Life of Ady Barkan. How Presidents and Military Leaders Misled Americans About the War in Afghanistan. Can a Trans Runner Like Me Compete Fairly?

Richard Lewontin: Race Science for the People

Joseph L. Graves Jr. Science for the People
We can now say with great confidence that our species, anatomically modern humans, does not have biological races. We know this in large part due to the contributions of Richard C. Lewontin.

The Sacklers and Opiods: You Judge

John Oliver explains how the Sackler family has been handling opiod lawsuits and why you should judge the situation for yourself.

Jimmy Cliff | Human Touch

A brilliantly animated new single “Human Touch” by Jimmy Cliff celebrates the irreplaceable personal interaction that we are currently deprived of.