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Chile is Reborn by a (Political) Earthquake that Emerged from the Streets

Patricio Zamorano Council on Hemispheric Affairs
What happened on May 15-16 in Chile has the air of the refounding of an entire nation. It means the end of traditional party politics and the establishment of collectives focused on the environment, gender equality, on local issues and other sectors.


B.L.P. Simmons
Costa Rica poet Simmons protests the legacy of “colonization” that confuses crime and justice.

Unions Take Up the Fight for Racial Justice

Stephanie Luce Organizing Upgrade
Nurses in masks and blue uniforms with signs - Nurses Against Racism
The labor movement will not survive at all, let alone build power, without a serious racial analysis and making racial justice key to their core mission.

Columbia Journalism Faculty Protest the Nikole Hannah Jones Tenure Decision

Columbia Journalism School Faculty
The extraordinary decision of the University of North Carolina Board of Governors to deny tenure to one of the most recognized journalists of her generation has a chilling effect on untenured junior scholars and is an attack on freedom of the press