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Organizing in the South

Joseph B. Atkins Portside
Amazon is organized in other parts of the world but like the foreign auto companies that dot the South tolerates no union in Dixie.

Right to Work has Failed to Live up to Conservative Hype

Rick Haglund Michigan Advance
The annual decline in the number of union members actually slowed after the a right-to-work law in Michigan took effect in 2013. And membership grew to 604,000 in 2020 from 589,000 in 2019. 

Farmworkers Need Families, Not Deportation and Exploitation

David Bacon and Anuradha Mittal Reality Check
High-wages and secure jobs for farmworkers can only come by discarding the old deportation/guestworker model, and instead supporting families with legalization, family-based visas, and unions and labor rights.

An Offering to Our Asian Sisters

Zillah Eisenstein From the Square/NYU Press Blogs
Join the Anti-Racist marches in the streets, and stand up for structural revolutionary anti-racist socialist feminism.

Men, Meat, and Marketing

Kat Kinsman Food & Wine
The makers of plant-based meats are up against decades—if not centuries and millennia—of messaging tying meat eating to masculinity.