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Despite Slow Vaccine Rollout, Teachers Are Being Pushed Back Inside

Barbara Madeloni Labor Notes
The pressure to reopen school buildings now, rather than wait until all educators have been vaccinated, exemplifies the reckless disregard for educators’ lives that district administrators and politicians have shown throughout the pandemic.

Nomadland Turns American Iconography Inside Out

Alissa Wilkinson Vox
Nomadland is a piercing look into a country that’s becoming less and less inhabitable for its older men and women, and more stingy about who gets to dream. And, fundamentally, it’s a poignant portrait of a broken heart.

Don't Defend Democracy With Half-Truths About the Past

Brook Thomas History News Network
Myths about the founders and President Grant cannot restore legitimacy to a democracy in the wake of a second presidential impeachment and acquittal and facing competing demands to unify the country, rebuild the economy and address racial injustice.

The Redistricting Landscape, 2021–22

Michael Li Brennan Center for Justice
Political, legal, and demographic changes, along with census delays, will shape the fight for fair maps and representation.

Why We Can’t Make Vaccine Doses Any Faster

Isaac Arnsdorf and Ryan Gabrielson ProPublica
President Biden has promised enough doses for all American adults by this summer. There’s not much even the Defense Production Act can do to deliver doses before then.

After the Spring

Toufic Haddad Red Pepper
Despite the carnage of contemporary Syria and Libya, and the ruinous stalemate of Yemen, the euphoric appeal of what was once described as the ‘Arab Spring’ continues to feed revolutionary processes across the region.

The Big Lie

Eli Zaretsky London Review of Books
Hitler defined the Big Lie as an untruth so colossal that people ‘would not believe that others could distort the truth so infamously’. Trump’s claim that he won the election ‘in a landslide’ and victory was stolen from him is a lie of this sort.