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Racially Charged: America's Misdemeanor Problem

Racially Charged: America’s Misdemeanor Problem exposes how our country’s history of racial injustice evolved into an enormous abuse of criminal justice power. 13 million people a year – most of them poor and people of color – are abused by this system.

"Have You Been To Jail For Justice" | Anne Feeney

"Have You Been To Jail For Justice" performed by self-described "performer, producer, hell-raiser" Anne Feeney at the Seattle WTO Protests in 1999. Feeney died from Covid-19 this week at age 69.

Slave-built Infrastructure and Reparations

Joshua F.J. Inwood and Anna Livia Brand The Conversation
Recognizing that enslaved men, women and children built many of the cities, rail lines and ports that fuel the American economy is a necessary part of any accounting for the legacy of slavery.

Friday Nite Videos | February 5, 2021

The Sedition That Nobody's Talking About. "Have You Been To Jail For Justice" | Anne Feeney. Mothers Deported Without Their Children Seek to Be Reunited. Racially Charged: America's Misdemeanor Problem. Marjorie Taylor Greene Gets Punished.