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Non-Aligned Movement Celebrates Sixty Years

Charles McKelvey New Cold War
On October 11, delegations representing the governments of more than 105 nations, nearly all of the global South, met in Belgrade, Serbia to commemorate the founding of the Non-Aligned Movement sixty years ago in the capital of the former Yugoslavia.

Who Owns Our Data?

Aziz Z. Huq Boston Review
We need a model of ownership that recognizes the collective interest we have in how personal data is used, avoids the costs of private exploitation by individual firms, and does not slip into authoritarian forms of state control.

At the brink of a new world system: imperialism, race and caste

Archishman Raju MRonline
It is thus imperative upon us to look at the concept of race more closely, understand its link with imperialism and critically examine any comparisons with the system of caste. One can do no better than to turn to Oliver Cromwell Cox.

The Green New Deal–From Below

Jeremy Brecher Labor Network for Sustainability
This is the first in a series of commentaries on “The Green New Deal–From Below.” This commentary explains the idea of a Green New Deal from Below and provides an overview of the series.