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An Idea Whose Time has Come: the Four-Day Workweek

Leah Hancock The Baltimore Sun
Four-day workweek pilots are emerging across the globe, with some companies now shifting from the pilot phase to implementing the policy permanently. Beyond the U.S., political leaders are voicing support for the concept.

Angela Merkel Was Bad for Europe and the World

Yanis Varoufakis Jacobin
Today’s German elections mark the effective end of Angela Merkel’s 16-year rule. Yanis Varoufakis writes for Jacobin about how she became Europe’s most dominant peacetime leader — at the expense of Europe itself.

Arizona Audit Fuels the MAGA Coup Express

Max Elbaum Organizing Upgrade
It’s all out there in plain sight: The MAGA bloc aims to determine both who votes and who counts the votes. Or put another way, whose votes should count and whose should not.

Humanity’s Call to Eliminate Nuclear Weapons

Robert Dodge Common Dreams
Citizens around the world are calling on their governments to ratify the Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty—and the United States has a leading role to play. Nuclear weapons have no place in our future.