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Dinner Date

Jackie Calmes and Robrt Pear New York Times

Claiming the 1963 March on Washington

Bill Fletcher, Jr. Black Commentator
It is barely remembered that the March was for freedom and jobs. The demand for jobs was not a throwaway line in order to get trade union support but instead reflected the growing economic crisis affecting the Black worker

BRICS Go Over the Wall

By Pepe Escobar Asia Times
Western elites - even mired in stagnation and bankruptcy - won't let any of their privileges go without a fierce fight.

Grocery Unions At Stop & Shop Take Obamacare’s Leap of Faith

Bruce Vail In These Times
Some 40,000 workers at more than 250 New England supermarkets approved new collective bargaining agreements this month in an uneasy embrace by their union of the Affordable Care Act of 2010, also known as Obamacare.

The Big Fix (Movie)

On Earthday, 2010, the Deepwater Horizon offshore drilling rig sank creating the worst oil spill in history. According to the global media, the story ended when the well was capped – but that’s when the real story began. By exposing the root causes of the oil spill and what really happened after the news cameras left the Gulf states, filmmakers Josh and Rebecca Tickell uncover a vast network of corruption. Movie home page is here.