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A Texas lawsuit hinges on this question: What, exactly, are “pickles”?

Baylen J. Linnekin New Food Economy
The Department of State Health Services in Texas limits the definition of “pickle” to cucumbers only, much to the chagrin of small farmers like Anita Patton-McHaney and James McHaney
One couple wants to take advantage of the state’s cottage food law by selling pickled beets, carrots, and other vegetables they grow in their market garden. But the Texas health department says that’s only legal if they want to sell pickled cucumbers

Tenants Together: Stories, Struggles, and Strategies

Tenants Together Tenants Together
tenants demonstration in San Francisco
It's been an exciting and challenging summer for California tenants. The good news: through our collective power, we are fighting back. Here's just a slice of the work Tenants Together and our members, partners, and allies are doing this summer!