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How Foreign Abortion Foes Tried to Hijack Ireland’s Historic Pro-Choice Vote

Lara Whyte, Claire Provost, and May Fitzgerald. openDemocracy
Ireland Pro-Choice Demonstration
Foreign anti-abortion money, Facebook ads and canvassers poured into Ireland to defeat its historic pro-choice referendum. OpenDemocracy outlines six methods anti-abortion forces used against the repeal of Ireland’s constitutional ban on abortions.

Dems Help Pass Huge Military Budget

Jessica Corbett Common Dreams
131 House Dems Help GOP Pass Massive Pentagon Budget That Includes Billions for Expanded Nuclear Arsenal "Instead of a blueprint for peace and security, this NDAA continues the practice of endless war with no input or oversight from our congressional leaders," lamented Rep. Barbara Lee (D-Calif.)

Media Delegitimize Venezuelan Elections

Alan MacLeod Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR)
Despite an opposition boycott making the result predictable, Maduro received the vote of 28 percent of the eligible electorate, around the same as Barack Obama received in 2008 and more than he got in 2012, or Trump in 2016, despite these being hotly contested elections.

Lake Michigan, Scene 6

Daniel Borzutzky Lake Michigan
Chicago poet Daniel Borzutzky blends the surreal with all-too reality in depicting environmental pollution and political corruption.