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Is It Time for the AFL and the CIO to Part Ways Again?

Ruth Needleman Portside
Now more than ever we need a strong united labor movement. We do not, however, have one. [Moderator's Note: An incorrect version of this article was previously posted. This is a corrected version. Portside regrets the error.]

'I Am Not Your Negro' Will Make You Rethink Race

A. O. Scott New York Times
To call “I Am Not Your Negro” a movie about James Baldwin would be to understate Mr. Peck’s achievement. It’s more of a posthumous collaboration, an uncanny and thrilling communion between the filmmaker — whose previous work includes both a documentary and a narrative feature about the Congolese anti-colonialist leader Patrice Lumumba — and his subject.

Women of America: We're Going on Strike

Alcoff,Arruzza,Bhattacharya,Fraser,Ransby,Taylor,Odeh,Davis The Guardian
The ‘lean-in’ variety of feminism won’t defeat this administration, but a mobilization of the 99% will. On 8 March we will take to the streets.

Marta Harnecker: "A New Revolutionary Subject has Been Created in Venezuela"

Tassos Tsakiroglou and Marta Harnecker Links Intenrational Journal of Social Renewal
The historical time is in our favour. What helps us in this fight is that the kind of society we propose is in the interests of the immense majority. The great question is: why does this not translate into an equivalent social and electoral support? Part of the reason is media disinformation. But we are also at fault. We have not been able to explain our project in understandable terms. And worst of all, we preach democracy but act in an authoritarian way.

Six Centuries of Secularism

William Eamon Aeon
The road to secularism began with how-to books, claims William Eamon, who takes us on a tour of how this happened. Among the most famous how-to books is the first modern political instruction manual.

Labor Leaders’ Cheap Deal With Trump

Naomi Klein The New York Times
The alliance that some labor leaders made with Trump is built on sand. The author believes they will come to regret it.

Progie Nominations for 2016’s Best Progressive Films and Filmmakers

Ed Rampell Hollywood Progressive
The Progies premiered in The Progressive Magazine in 2007 to pay tribute to and highlight films and filmmakers of conscience and consciousness. With an eye on cinema history, the awards in a variety of categories are named after outstanding progressive pictures or artists.