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Linda Rodriguez Pedestal Magazine
Dedicated to Frieda Kahlo, Linda Rodriguez's poem celebrates the spirit of revenge, the immortality of the Mexican painter's suffering and triumph.

Inside the GOP Clown Car

Matt Taibbi Rolling Stone
On the campaign trail in Iowa, Donald Trump's antics have forced the other candidates to get crazy or go home

Sanders Shamelessly Pandering to Voters Who Want to Hear Truth

Andy Borowitz The New Yorker
Right now, the novelty of a politician who doesn’t constantly spew lies is grabbing headlines. But after months of Bernie Sanders telling the truth, voters are going to start wondering, Is that all he’s got?

Why the Public Doesn't Believe in Climate Change

Sam Illingworth Plos blogs
Ninety seven percent of scientific papers find that climate changing is occurring and that it is caused by human activity. Only 44 percent of Americans agree. What is the cause of this disparity, and is there any way to close the gap between the scientific consensus and the public perception?

The Meeropol Brothers: Exonerate Our Mother, Ethel Rosenberg

Michael Meeropol and Robert Meeropol New York Times
Our mother was not a spy. The government held her life hostage to coerce our father to talk, and when that failed, it extracted false statements to secure her wrongful execution . . . It is never too late to correct an egregious injustice.

A Tribute to Dr. Frances Oldham Kelsey: A Woman Who Made a Difference

Orac Respectful Insolence
Many Americans do not to know that thalidomide was never approved for use in the US, and that was almost entirely due to the vigilance and, yes, outright stubbornness of one brave woman, who could sniff out spin and misinformation in a drug company application and would not be swayed by unrelenting pressure.

Four Demonstrably False Claims About The Iran Deal That Are Showing Up On The Opinion Pages

Daniel Angster Media Matters
Conservative opposition to the internationally-negotiated deal to limit Iran's ability to obtain a nuclear weapon has been the subject of numerous editorials and op-eds in U.S. newspapers that have pushed false information about the agreement and warned that it compromises U.S. and Israeli security, despite widespread praise from nuclear arms control experts who say the deal is "excellent compared to where we are today."