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Cuomo Escalates Fghts with Teacher, Public Employee Unions

Yancey Roy Newsday
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, a Democrat, battled organized labor regularly during his first term over contracts and pensions. Now, just weeks after his re-election, he's roiled the Public Employees Federation, the white-collar state employees union, by attempting to turn more than 2,500 union jobs into nonunion posts.

When History Knocks

Sam Gindin Jacobin Magazine
Naomi Klein rightly blames capitalism for climate change. But she doesn't go far enough.

Authoritarianism, Class Warfare and the Advance of Neoliberal Austerity Policies

Henry A. Giroux Truthout
Both neoliberal-driven governments and authoritarian societies share one important factor: They care more about consolidating power in the hands of the political, corporate and financial elite than they do about investing in the future of young people and expanding the benefits of the social contract and common good.

Je Suis Charlie - But I Have Other Names as Well

Victor Grossman Portside
I cannot help thinking that there are far more too many very bloody, extremely wealthy criminals at large in the world, whose actions are rarely reported on, unless marital or extra-marital. Action based on a true belief in press freedom can be mercilessly punished, as it was learned by Julian Assange, Chelsea Manning, Edward Snowden - or Mumia Abu-Jamal!

Caring in the City

Johanna Brenner Jacobin - Issue 15-16
Ending the exploitation of urban care workers requires radically democratic alternatives that go beyond the rhetoric of "work-life balance."

Van Sciver's "Saint Cole" Explores The New American Working Class

For "Saint Cole," his second book-length effort, Noah Van Sciver stayed close to home, weaving a fictional tale with plenty of basis in reality for many young people lacking both the financial clout for higher education and the job opportunities needed to carve out a small slice of the American Dream. We spoke with Van Sciver about Joe's opportunities, such as they are, and the real world struggle of the working class to stay motivated and improve their circumstances.