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Solidarity NOT Forever: How the Supreme Court Kicked Retirees Into the Gutter

Prof. Ellen Dannin and Ann Hodges, Truthout News Analysis Truthout
The Supreme Court's decision in Allied Chemical Workers v. Pittsburgh Plate Glass to give employers complete control of retiree benefits undercuts the purpose of the National Labor Relations Act and leaves vulnerable, retired employees powerless to protect themselves from costly changes in benefits.

Nicolas Maduro Did Not Steal the Venezuelan Election

Greg Palast Vice
The Venezuelan election was nearly stolen – by the US-backed anti-Chávistas. How? That’s what Chávez wanted Maduro to find out from me: how could US operatives jerk with Venezuela’s voter rolls? It wasn’t a mere policy question: they knew Chávez wouldn't be allowed to survive through another coup. My answer: They could steal the vote the same way Bush did it in Florida – in fact, using the very same contractor. Take a look at these documents.

Leo Branton - Litigated Freedom for Angela Davis

Daphne Muse Portside
Leo Branton, who died on April 19, was a member of a formidable defense team that conducted a successful courtroom defense of radical black activist and former UCLA professor Angela Davis. He was a prominent entertainment lawyer who also conducted numerous important civil rights court cases.

Harvest of Empire

Harvest of Empire is "The Untold Story of Latinos in America." It is one of the many films featured in the first-ever Global Labor Film Festival, starting May 1, and including a wide range of films from classics such as "Salt of the Earth" and "Reds," to brand-new films like "Dreamwork China," "Harvest of Empire" and "The War on Whistleblowers."