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Campaign to Help Iranians Access Life Saving Medicine

Havaar Havaar
The U.S.-led sanctions regime is strangling the Iranian people, cutting off trade relations, financial transactions, and access to vital goods. The results have been stark and devastating: currency devaluation, skyrocketing inflation, factory closures, layoffs, unpaid wages, and now a major healthcare crisis.

Progressive Grassroots Coalition Takes on 'Fix The Debt' Fraud

By Lauren McCauley Common Dreams
On Monday, a grassroots, anti–corporate tax-dodging coalition called Flip the Debt crashed a "Fix the Debt" party at St. Anselm's College in New Hampshire hosted by Honeywell CEO David Cote to tell the gathered deficit hawk disciples that paying their "damn taxes" would be a better solution than crippling the nation with fiscal austerity measures.

No More Truthless Heroes

By Joshua Brollier Published by Portside
Consider these issues of legality and US legacy: The belligerent and misplaced aggression and ensuing chaos after the 2003 Iraq invasion led to hundreds of thousands of casualties (over a million by some calculations) and the largest refugee crisis in the region since the Nakba, with over 4 million Iraqis being displaced from their homes. After a decade of warfare Afghans have been perishing under the highest infant and maternal mortality rates in the world.

Israel admits it was holding Prisoner X after court eases gagging order

By Peter Beaumont The Guardian
In the midst of an escalating international row with Australia, the Israeli government has been forced to admit that it secretly imprisoned a "dual-nationality" citizen – known as "Prisoner X" – who subsequently killed himself while being detained in Ayalon prison.