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States Now Hold the Key to Making Medicare for All a Reality

Michael Lighty In These Times
In the context of the stymied efforts to expand Medicare at the national level, state efforts show where the real action is. There the terrain for winning universal, publicly-financed comprehensive healthcare looks increasingly favorable.

Mexican GM Workers Vote In an Independent Union

Dan DiMaggio, Luis Feliz Leon Labor Notes
SINTTIA’s victory is a shot in the arm for the independent union movement in Mexico; the vote was closely followed domestically and internationally.

There I Was

Avery Gregurich Rattle
The anniversary of the election insurrection evokes memories of anger and simplicity; are we more prepared?

US Sanctions on Afghanistan Could Be Deadlier Than 20 Years of War

Mark Weisbrot Sacramento Bee
Washington and its allies have argued that sanctions are a necessary response to Taliban human rights abuses. But it’s the people, especially the poorest, who pay the price. How many women and girls should be sacrificed to punish the Taliban?

GOP Declares Deadly Capitol Attack 'Legitimate Political Discourse'

Brett Wilkins Common Dreams
"January 6th was not 'legitimate political discourse'—it was a violent insurrection on our Capitol," Rep. Pramila Jayapal retorted. "I didn't know if I'd make it out alive. Some didn't. We cannot let the GOP whitewash what happened."