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Police Cause Violence, Not the Other Way Around

Sonali Kolhatkar Independent Media Institute
What liberal politicians and the media refuse to acknowledge is that crime is linked to the failures of capitalism, not to the lack of police. Indeed, police are part of the problem, not the solution.

Integrity Always Pays

Yarri Kamara Africa is a Country
On justice, impunity and ridicule: the historic outcome of the 2022 trial in Burkina Faso against Thomas Sankara’s killers.

Alabama’s Warrior Met Coal and Wall Street Greed

Braxton Wright Facing South
This month marks one year since 1,100 members of the United Mine Workers of America went on strike at Warrior Met Coal in Alabama following the failure of the union and company to agree on a labor contract. The strike continues today.

Domino Effect

Dee Allen Oneblackboylikethat Review
Oakland California poet Dee Allen celebrates the toppling of old idols on public statues, awaiting further movement of the Domino Effect.