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Misguided Protests of Russian Restaurants in NYC

“Just because we are a Russian establishment doesn’t mean we write a check to Putin or his regime.” Desi Lydic investigates how Russian restaurants in New York City have been unfairly targeted by protesters of the war in Ukraine. #DailyShow

Gamestop: Rise of the Players | Movie

From the makers of Consoles Wars, a movie that tells the origin story of the Gamestop stock market phenomenon and features the original players who participated in the Gamestop trade.

Top 10 Nuclear Close Calls

Over the past few decades, there have been several VERY close calls with nuclear armaments. Lets take a look at some of these incidents.

Friday Nite Videos | March 18, 2022

Top 10 Nuclear Close Calls. Is This Kid the Future of Blues Guitar? Gamestop: Rise of the Players | Movie. Misguided Protests of Russian Restaurants in NYC. Hunting for Missing Women the Media Ignores.