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What Is Owed

William P. Jones The Nation
Any political movement powerful enough to secure policies sufficient to repair the damage inflicted by centuries of slavery will also have the power to secure a more radical and enduring transformation of our social and political order

None Dare Call It “Fascism.” Why Not?

Mark Green Washington Spectator
Calling out fascism after it succeeds would be like finally agreeing to be vaccinated while they’re hooking you up to a ventilator. Say. Its. Name.

Friday Nite Videos | September 10, 2021

Rep. Barbara Lee: We Need an Afghan War Inquiry. What Really Happened During the Attica Prison Rebellion. George Carlin Returns With Some Insights About Texas. Did a U.S. Drone Strike in Afghanistan Kill the Wrong Person? CODA | Movie.

Labor Day 2021: UNITE HERE, the 2020 Elections and Beyond

Martin Bennett Beyond Chron
The key takeaway from the election is that workers saved our democracy—workers did the essential door-to-door canvassing and everyday working voters turned out. With their votes comes a mandate for change to help working and low-wealth people.

Tidbits - Sept. 9, 2021 - Reader Comments: GOP War on Women, starting in Texas, Going nationwide; Costs of Post 9/11; Afghan War fallout; Climate Crisis; Jobless Crisis; Nina Turner; Teenage Israeli Conscientious Objectors; Ed Asner; Domestic Workers

Reader Comments: GOP War on Women, starting in Texas, Going nationwide; Costs of Post 9/11; Afghan War fallout; Climate Crisis; Jobless Crisis; Nina Turner; Teenage Israeli Conscientious Objectors; Ed Asner; Domestic Workers are Workers; more....