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Brian McFadden New York Times

The Year of the Great Redistribution

Robert Reich Robert Reich's blog
America has been redistributing upward for some time – after all, “trickle-down” economics turned out to be trickle up — but we outdid ourselves in 2013. At a time of record inequality and decreasing mobility, America conducted a Great Redistribution upward.

A Racial Justice Bucket List for 2014

Rosana Cruz Colorlines
To kick off 2014, Colorlines asked several community leaders to share their racial justice wishes for the year. We wanted to to know, what are some truly attainable victories for justice in the coming year? And how could any one of us help achieve them?

NAFTA: 20 Years of Regret for Mexico

Mark Weisbrot Guardian
Since 2000, the Latin American region as a whole has increased its growth rate to about 1.9% annually per capita – not like the pre-1980 era, but a serious improvement over the prior two decades when it was just 0.3%. But Mexico hasn't joined in this long-awaited rebound: its growth has remained below 1%, less than half the regional average, since 2000. And not surprisingly, Mexico's national poverty rate was 52.3% in 2012, basically the same as it was in 1994 (52.4%).

Re-Examining the FDA Antibiotics Decision: Banning Growth Promoters Won’t Be Enough

Maryn McKenna Wired Science/Superbug
If the FDA’s intention to remove growth promoters is going to be meaningful. Simply reducing antibiotic use (if that does indeed happen) isn’t adequate; by itself, it may even be a threat to welfare. Changing the livestock practices that made antibiotic use necessary will improve animal and human health both.

'Cheers And Jeers' As Boeing Machinists Narrowly OK Contract

MARK MEMMOTT National Public Radio blog
With 51 percent of the 24,000 or so local machinists who voted saying yes to the pact, Boeing's " 'best and final' offer [now] guarantees assembly of the next 777 widebody jet and the fabrication of the plane's carbon-fiber wing" will be done at plants in the Puget Sound region.

U.S. Ed

Jeff Danziger

Bridging the Chasm between Environmental and Economic Justice

Bill Fletcher and Bill Gallegos with Anne Lewis ZNet
The environmental justice community needs to make a very intentional effort to link the economic and ecological crisis, to reveal the root causes of those crises, and to stimulate a conversation about is there a better way, is there a better way that we can live in this country.