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The State of the NLRB-Two Articles

WASHINGTON -- With the Senate about to consider President Obama's nominees to the National Labor Relations Board, Democrats and labor groups are growing concerned that Republicans will block the administration's left-leaning nominations, rendering the board inoperable once a current member's term expires in August.

Today Is Food Revolution Day. Connect With Food.

Alessandro Demaio Public Library of Science
An eggplant should be as obvious to a 7 year old as an iPhone. Knowing how to make a loaf of bread should be part of the national curriculum, and an understanding of seasonality and our food supply should be taught from a young age.

The Public Deserves Free Access to Research

Michael B. Eisen The Daily Californian
When the Internet began to take off in the mid-1990’s, it created the opportunity to do something scholars had been dreaming of for millennia — to gather all of the writings of scholars past and present together in a single online public library — a free, globally accessible version of the ancient library in Alexandria. But 20 years on and we are barely any closer to achieving this goal.

The Most Important #Muckreads on Rape in the Military

Christie Thompson ProPublica
An estimated 26,000 service members were sexually assaulted in 2012, according to the latest government report. That’s up from 19,000 in 2010, despite recent claims that the military has been focusing more on prevention efforts.

Matt Taibbi: Everything Is Rigged

Matt Taibbi Rolling Stone
The Illuminati were amateurs. The second huge financial scandal of the year reveals the real international conspiracy: There's no price the big banks can't fix.

Absolutamente Quilapayun

Note from Holly Near: Put out recently by Quilapayun, a Chilean ensemble that lived in exile after the military coup, this youtube shows footage from the 70s as well as honors the young people who are building a strong student movement today to protest the right wing government recently elected in Chile following the progressive leadership of President Michelle Bachelet. I had an opportunity to work with Quilapayun in the seventies and eighties and again when I went to Chile a few years ago. We sang at a men's prison in the northern part of the country.

Just Cancel the Sequester

Alan Grayson personally went to John Boehner's office with 300,000 signatures demanding an end to the sequester - THIS is what happened next.