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Amazon Online Retailer Hit by Strike in Germany

Deutsche Welle
Workers at two German Amazon locations have walked out in support of higher wages and to press their right to collective bargaining. The all-day stoppage is set to disrupt services in Amazon's second biggest market.

Labor's Plan B

Abby Rapoport The American Prospect
Faced with the very real threat of extinction, unions have largely put collective bargaining on the back burner, and instead must try to remind American workers of the basic concept of worker solidarity. “We start from the point of view that, because so few people are in unions these days, very few people have personal experience with collective power,” explains Karen Nussbaum, the executive director of Working America.

Why Labor Should Back Gina McCarthy for EPA Administrator

Jeremy Brecher Labor Network for Sustainability
American workers need jobs. They also need protection from chemicals and pollutants that threaten their lives, health, environment, climate, and future. Gina McCarthy, President Barack Obama’s nominee to head the Environmental Protection Agency, has a unique track record in protecting the environment in ways that also protect and expand jobs.

Will Cuba's Economic Reforms Succeed?

Omar Everleny Pérez Americas Quarterly
At the core of the reforms is an acknowledgement by the Cuban state that it must relinquish control over those activities and sectors, such as retail, that do not serve it strategically and that it believes have the capacity to absorb the growing labor force in coming years. If these conditions are established, non-state employment will meet its expected contribution to the economy, above all in terms of job creation and the production of goods and services.

Sister Assata: This Is What American History Looks Like

Alice Walker Alice Walker's Garden
I believe Assata Shakur to be a good and decent, a kind and compassionate person. True revolutionaries often are. Physically she is beautiful, and her spirit is also. She appears to hold the respect, love and friendship of all the people who surround her.

Thoreau's Radicalism and the Fight Against the Fossil-Fuel Industry

Wen Stephenson The Nation
As the battle over Keystone moves toward a climax this summer or fall, when Obama is expected to make a final decision, it has become the central rallying point for a broad and diverse climate movement at what looks like a pivotal, and “radicalizing,” moment. More and more, what Bill McKibben recently dubbed the “Fossil Fuel Resistance” is turning to nonviolent direct action and civil disobedience to make its demands seen and heard.