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Gene Sequencing Pinpoints Antibiotic Resistance Moving From Livestock to Humans

Maryn McKenna Wired Science
If the analysis is correct, then it represents several kinds of potential trouble. First, it reinforces the argument for animal-to-human transmission of resistant bacteria. Second, it emphasizes that such bacteria can be picked up and transmitted even by animals that are not routinely receiving antibiotics . . . And third, it raises the question of how much more resistant bacterial traffic is out there that we are not detecting.

Stacked Deck How the Dominance of Politics by the Affluent & Business Undermines Economic Mobility in America

David Callahan & J. Mijin Cha Demos
A host of indicators show that the middle class is struggling-and worse, shrinking-and that upward mobility is elusive for many Americans. Meanwhile, evidence abounds that the U.S. political system is increasingly dominated by wealthy interests . . . What is less understood, though, is the interplay between these two problems-the way that a tilting of political life toward business and the wealthy has served to undermine economic mobility.

Dinner Date

Jackie Calmes and Robrt Pear New York Times

Claiming the 1963 March on Washington

Bill Fletcher, Jr. Black Commentator
It is barely remembered that the March was for freedom and jobs. The demand for jobs was not a throwaway line in order to get trade union support but instead reflected the growing economic crisis affecting the Black worker

BRICS Go Over the Wall

By Pepe Escobar Asia Times
Western elites - even mired in stagnation and bankruptcy - won't let any of their privileges go without a fierce fight.