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Charging Through the Archway of History: Immigrants and African-Americans Unite to Transform the Face of Labor and the Power of Community

Paul Ortiz Truthout - Op-Ed
What all of this might mean in political terms is not yet quite clear. However, one thing is certain. If community organizers allow this incipient coalition -- potentially the largest progressive force in US history -- to slip away, we are missing the opportunity that only comes once in a generation to change the trajectory of American politics.

Gangster Bankers: Too Big to Jail

Matt Taibbi Rolling Stone
How HSBC hooked up with drug traffickers and terrorists. And got away with it. So now we have an arrestable class and an unarrestable class. We always suspected it, now it's admitted. So what do we do?

Missouri bill redefines science, gives equal time to intelligent design

John Timmer Ars Technica
Late last month, the Missouri House started considering [a bill] that deviates in staggering ways. Instead of being quiet about its intent, it redefines science, provides a clearer definition of intelligent design than any of the idea's advocates ever have, and it mandates equal treatment of the two. In the process, it mangles things so badly that teachers would be prohibited from discussing Mendel's Laws.

The Greek Revival Plan

Alexis Tsipras Le Monde Diplomatique via ZNet
Syriza leaders says it's 'a challenge that Greece does not face alone.'