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Late-night Hosts' Podcast To Support Strike

With the dual Hollywood strikes continuing, late-night hosts are uniting for a limited-series podcast called “Strike Force Five,” with proceeds going to out-of-work staff from the hosts’ respective shows.

Is the Orca Uprising Upon Us?

Orcas attack boats off the coast of Spain. The first battle in an interspecies war? Probably not, but it's a pretty neat look into how trends come and go in orca pods.

Does Roblox Make Money From Child Labor?

Roblox is a social platform where users, mostly kids, build games for other kids to play, getting compensated in scraps while the corporation rakes in billions of dollars. 

Chile’s Coup at 50: Countdown Toward a Coup

Peter Kornbluh National Security Archive
The documented U.S. role in the months, days and hours before the overthrow of Chilean President Salvador Allende. Nixon and Kissinger commiserated over the fact that they wouldn’t receive laudatory credit in the media for Allende’s demise.

Christian Nationalists Have Provoked a Pluralist Resistance

Ruth Braunstein Religion News
As Christian nationalists take advantage of a moment of political precarity to call for a turn toward authoritarian theocracy, the press should be paying attention to those rising up to preserve democracy in America.