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6 Crucial Races That Will Flip the Senate

Robert Reich Robert Reich blog
Winning the White House is absolutely crucial, but it’s just one piece of the fight to save our democracy and push a people’s agenda.

Five Key Demands for the New Coronavirus Bill

Robert Reich Robert Reich blog
COVID-19's catastrophic rates of sickness and death, as well as tragic economic consequences, require the boldest remedies this country is capable of mustering. There will be no economic recovery until the virus is contained.

The New York Times Won't Stop Pushing Crank Economics

Robert Reich Truthdig; Fair
Major news outlets, like the New York Times, seem to go out of their way to deny the incredible harm done to euro zone economies, and to the lives of tens of millions of people in these countries, as a result of needless austerity.

Break Up Facebook (and Google, Apple, and Amazon)

Robert Reich Robert Reich blog
America responded to the Gilded Age’s abuses of corporate power with antitrust laws that allowed the government to break up the largest concentrations. It is time to use antitrust again. We should break up the high-tech behemoths.

Amazon Is Everything That's Wrong With America

Robert Reich
As the Times’ Badger has reported, the digital economy has been great for places like Seattle, New York, metropolitan Washington, and the other big talent hubs like San Francisco, Boston, and LA. But it’s left behind much of the rest of the country.