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The ‘Crony Capitalist Blowout’

Bill Moyers Moyers and Company
The extraordinary rise in wealth and power of the very rich during this era of unregulated greed

Sen. Bernie Sanders' Bill Would End Off-Shore Tax Havens

Office of Sen. Bernie Sanders
Under legislation proposed by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL), corporations would pay U.S. taxes on their offshore profits as they are earned. The legislation would take away the tax incentives for corporations to move jobs offshore or to shift profits offshore because the U.S. would tax their profits no matter where they are generated.

The White South’s Last Defeat

Michael Lind Salon
Hysteria, aggression and gerrymandering are a fading demographic's last hope to maintain political control.

What's Next For the Voting Rights Movement?

Brentin Mock The Nation
A Florida coalition is working to amend the Florida state constitution so that it guarantees voting accessibility for all citizens—a state-level voting rights act. “We’re focusing on legislation that grants an explicit right to vote in Florida,” says Katherine Culliton-González. “It would aim at big picture issues and make voting a fundamental right so no election law changes could happen that would take us back in time.”

Top Ten Surprises of the Brennan Hearing on CIA Torture and Drones

Juan Cole
The confirmation hearing for John Brennan allowed the country to grapple with many issues that had been swept under the rug and seldom discussed in public. While few to none of them were resolved, it does seem positive that they were brought up in public.