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The Constitution and the American Left

Azia Rana Dissent
A culture of reverence for the U.S. Constitution shields the founding document from criticism, despite its many shortcomings. We need an alternative vision that provides meaningful freedom at home and embraces self-determination abroad.

A Return to Gompers

Dustin Guastella Jacobin
Teamster president Sean O’Brien’s speech at the Republican National Convention may represent a return to nonpartisan realpolitik for unions. But does that reflect labor's strength or its decline?

Illinois Has Already Had 100 Tornadoes

Adriana Pérez, Chicago Tribune, TNS Governing
On Monday, July 15, Chicago issued 16 tornado warnings, the most sent on a single day since 2004. In an average year, the state only experiences 50 tornadoes annually. But as the air becomes more humid, tornadoes will become more common.

O’Brien Played Into Trumps’ Phony Pro-Worker Rebrand

Alexandra Bradbury Labor Notes
We get why union leaders want “access”; they’ve been shut out of real influence for so long. But it’s delusional to think that Trump might swap out his anti-worker—really, anti-humanity—policies; they are at the core of his being

New AFL-CIO Guide on Project 2025

Brett Wilkins CommonDreams
"A second Trump term would put everything we've fought for—good jobs, fair wages, healthcare, retirement security, worker safety—on the chopping block," said AFL-CIO president Liz Shuler.