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What Is Left?

Rebecca Solnit Literary Hub
Rebecca Solnit on the perennial divisions of the American Left: “It should be a modest request to ask that ‘left’ not mean supporters of authoritarian regimes.”

The White Republic and the Struggle for Racial Justice

Bob Wing Organizing Upgrade
Racial justice forces need to win governing power within the current system and then continue to build the strength to dismantle the racist state and replace it with an antiracist one: fight against the white republic and for antiracist democracy.

Internationalism: Urgent for the Moment and the Long Haul

Max Elbaum Organizing Upgrade
The more U.S. movements are infused with internationalism, the more we contribute to getting Washington’s bloody hands out of other countries. That bolsters the capacity of people in other lands to improve their lives and fight our common enemy.
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