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Koch Industries' Mysterious Swiss Bank

You may have heard of the Koch brothers, but you've probably never heard of Arteva Europe, a Koch Swiss branch that makes hundreds of millions of dollars, pays very little tax, and has no staff. The Guardian goes to Zurich to find out what happens at this lucrative office.

The Ominous ‘Cromnibus,’ A Budget Bill That Should Have Died

Isaiah J. Poole Campaign for America's Future
Given the acute need for jobs and rising incomes, what passes for “bolstering job creation” in a summary of the budget bill released by the House Appropriations Committee is scandalous. Incredibly, a provision that allows banks to engage in high-risk derivatives trading under the shield of federal insurance is listed as a measure to “bolster job creation.”

JPMorgan Chase Confirms That Crime DOES Pay

Richard Eskow Campaign for America's Future
We’ve always been told that “crime doesn’t pay.” Jamie Dimon and the Board of Directors of JPMorgan Chase beg to differ.
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