Jewish Voice for Peace and Al Jazeera and News Agencies
Jewish Voice for Peace; Al Jazeera
Yesterday, a ceasefire and peace agreement was reached between Hamas and the Israeli government, which has been supported and armed by the United States. Today Benjamin Netanyahu said he would not send the peace agreement to a vote in the Cabinet,
October 7 should have handed Israel's wild-eyed right the perfect storm for success: wartime rallying and vengeful fury. So why don't the polls over the past year back that up?
Former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert on this week's Haaretz Podcast says for Ben-Gvir, Smotrich and Netanyahu, Gaza is only the beginning - they are aiming for "Armageddon, that will make it possible to expel many of the Palestinians in the West Bank."
Israeli analysts say the Biden administration thinks Netanyahu "has lost his mind," there is a growing likelihood of Jewish inter-communal violence, and the country is losing its ability to fight the apartheid label.
Israel has erected “a formal, full-fledged apartheid regime,” the editorial of Haaretz newspaper said yesterday, in a stark warning about the direction of the occupation state.
The goal of Israel’s fascist right is to establish a religious dictatorship run according to their openly oppressive principles, explicitly targeting Palestinians, LGBTQ people, women, and most every marginalized group in Israel.
Benjamin Netanyahu leads a new Israeli government, the most right-wing ever of all Israeli governments. What will happen next? Within months, perhaps a year, barely concealed settler militias will be running rampant against West Bank Palestinians.
International Jewish Collective for Justice in Palestine
International Jewish Collective for Justice in Palestine
"The masks have fallen. After the recent Israeli election, a new coalition with Netanyahu at the helm, supported by far-right parties with outright racist tendencies, represents one step further in the repression between the river and the sea."
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