Today I was asked to speak about ‘reimagining socialism’. I would like to do so by rephrasing the topic. It’s not a matter of reimagining socialism, but rather, of reimagining ourselves as socialists. This makes the task simpler and more difficult.
Moments of crisis provide opportunity to chart a new course, with the pandemic upending the global economy, this is the best time for the left in at least 90 years for political and ideological is socialism or barbarism - so we must try
Reader Comments: Reopen or Re-Infect; The Black Plague; Voting Imperiled - Today and Remembering the 60s; Coronavirus - The Crisis This Time; Nurses Wearing Garbage Bags - Really?; The Killing Floor at Smithfield; Killing the Post Office; more...
The crisis this time is unique in an especially topsy-turvy way. In past capitalist crises, the state intervened to try and get the economy going again. This time, the is not on how to revive the economy, but how to further restrict it.
Reader Comments: COVID Crisis: Congress Must Lead; This is Our Future; Massive Unemployment-One-Third of Young People Lost Jobs; Sanders Campaign; Crisis Exposes How Fragile Capitalism Was; Bailout the Pension System; Workers Fight Back; Farm Crisis;
When this is all over, will we be able to patch up the economy and get things back to normal? Trump certainly claims so. But he's wrong. The pandemic is exposing just how dysfunctional our economic system was to begin with.
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